Monday, January 23, 2017

A Sermon on Justice

I don't like to post sermons. I consider them to be ephemera... they exist in the moment, for a moment. But someone I respect asked to hear one of my sermons. This is one I offered at the meeting of the Greater Atlanta Presbytery in 2016, a gathering of clergy and elders.

It's about justice.


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    David, this was...I have no words...beautiful? May I post it to Facebook? I'very got another in adequate word for it: refreshing.

    Thanks for posting.
    Runita Jones

  2. So thankful for your truth telling and witness. So thankful for the opportunity to hear great preaching at NDPC (from " all y'all). :-) Is there a way to subscribe to this blog or get alerts when you add to it? Much love to you all.

  3. Hi Alicia! I'm sure there is a way... hm... how, I do not know. There seem to be some tabs on the right side of the blog--perhaps a subscription tab? Sending you guys so much love!
